LeRoc Footwork

Footwork.....in Modern Jive?  But surely there isn't any?  Yes there is say some!  It appears there is a divide.  This short note suggests a starter as to what the rules really are for two "themes" of Modern Jive, "General" and "LeRoc".

General Modern Jive Rules

This is taught by perhaps the majority of Modern Jive venues.  Dance Yourself Dizzy expresses well the simplicity of no strict footwork.

  1. Ease first.  Use whatever footwork is most comfortable
  2. Keep moving.  Step in to turn (either direction), step back after the turn
  3. Unwind the lady.  After a move, where the main part ends with the lady turning clockwise, the man then leads the lady into an anticlockwise return
  4. One little rule.  Ladies step right behind left during the sway part of a sway or basket




LeRoc Rules

LeRoc is one "brand" of Modern Jive, many teachers are part of the The LeRoc French Jive Federation.  Some may also wish to watch the DVD/video "How to Jive" at http://www.howtojive.com/video.htm.  It does not state the rules below, but seems to obey most of them.

  1. Turning clockwise. The lady steps in and turns on her right foot, the left foot is then brought by its side and weight transferred on the next half count (half count = whole beat), then she steps back on her right foot a further half count later.
  2. Turning anticlockwise. The lady steps in and turns on her left foot, the right foot is then brought by its side and weight transferred on the next half count, then she steps back on her left foot a further half count later.
  3. Footwork for anticlockwise-starting moves. Ladies start such moves (eg lady spin, sway, basket, half-windmill, etc) by stepping back on their right foot at count 1.  However, in theory, the lady need never consciously do this, provided she obeys rule 1 and the man obeys rule 4.
  4. Leading anticlockwise-starting moves. The man ensures he ends the previous move with a clockwise turn, thus the lady steps back on right foot after the turn. He thus skips the all too common anticlockwise return so as not to wrong-foot the lady.
  5. Footwork for non-anticlockwise-starting moves.  Ladies start all "other moves" by stepping back on her left foot at count 1.  However, in theory, the lady need never consciously do this, provided she obeys rule 2 and the man rule 6.
  6. Leading non-anticlockwise-starting moves.  Whenever a man wishes to lead these moves, he ensures the previous move ends with an anticlockwise turn (eg Wurlitzer) or adds an anticlockwise return to the end, thus the lady steps back on her left foot after the turn.



