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My name is Richard Johnson.

photo of me

When I started to learn jive in 1997, I found modern jive both exciting and nearly impossible to do!  Remembering the moves was essential, otherwise there was not hope at performing them confidently enough to lead a lady.  So each night when I came back at about 11 O'clock, exhausted and sweaty, I typed my description of each move into an Excel Spreadsheet.

I progressed to the intermediates...although had to give up on the first two lessons half way through due to my incompetence!  As the list of moves built up, I had to add columns with features so I could determine whether the move was already in the database.

In 2001, I started the original site called Jiveoholics Anonymous.  It was just a web experiment.  I already had the usual "me and my dog" site and wanted more of a challenge involving "Active Server page" programming and databases.  I was able to just let the site read my Excel spreadsheet, which just needed reviewing and manipulating into a consistent format.

In 2002, animations were added to further increase the web challenge.  Each frame has been drawn by hand using Corel Paint. I decided to reuse common frames between moves.  Surely there can only be 50 or 60 different ways for two human beings to entangle themselves with two arms connected on either side of a neck!?....well - 1200 drawings now....!  After about 200 moves were available I decided to make a small charge of £10 a year for the illustrations, leaving all other aspects of the site free.

In 2003, I added the step-sheets (called galleries) of illustrations so each move could be printed.  At this point I decided to donate all income to charity.  My income went down slightly!  Now explain that!  I collected just less than £2000 per year.

In 2015, I decided to no longer charge, mainly because I used Front Page, which is no longer supported by web servers.  Whilst the site still worked, it was only "just", (videos becoming an issue) and the process of making changes is much more difficult. However, over £20,000 was collected and given to Great Ormond Street Hospital Childrens Charity

In 2017, I half retired and so had the time to revamp the web site so it is "mobile friendly", more intuitive and uses much of the new internet protocols. I have changed the domain name to jivemoves.com for a number of reasons. Firstly, no one could spell jiveoholic! Secondly, it is easier to remember. Thirdly, there is a music group called the jiveoholics that sort of confuses the issue.

I take great pride in this site being independently owned and run by myself. There is no affiliation with any other jive organisation.  I have no allegiance to any particular jive organisation and have attempted to use names or descriptions that are generic to all forms of jive.

I am an engineer/scientist, who spends his work time modelling and visualising all sorts of interesting things.  This jive site is just a hobby, which takes up considerable time!

I am not a particularly good dancer, although some comment I give a good strong lead and know a good variety of jive moves.  I do love air steps and dips, although I have reached my "level of incompetence".  I just wish I had style like other dancers.

I feel quite at a loss when I have to "wiggle-dance".  I have two basic moves.  Shift arse left and shift it right....as for what to do with my hands.....no..... give me something with structure.....like jive anyday.

It is not my intention that anyone learns new jive moves solely from this site.   You HAVE to go and learn by attending a jive venue.  This is where you get the real jive experience and is great fun. The whole point of this site is to remind you of moves you have already learned, perhaps bring out some forgotten learning points and to bring back some vitality into your dancing.

How to contact me

Feel free to email me at . I reply to all emails personally, so if you don't get a reply, it's lost - but please give me a couple of weeks incase I am on holiday somewhere nice!.